Noti Bouli 2 Seater Sofa with Wooden Legs – BO2N

Price 1,695.99

  • Uniquely designed with irregular / oval shapes
  • Exceptionally comfortable sofas
  • Range of base options available
  • Available in a suspended variation

The irregular, amorphic form of the sofas allow the creation of an unusual public space.
The modules are on small hidden wooden legs so that the sofas look like they are lying directly on the ground, or they may be suspended on ropes, which gives the impression of floating in the air.
The main feature of the design is the possibility to provide varied bases in terms of functionality and appearance.
JULIA PAWIKOWSKA, OLGA MĘŻYŃSKA, URSZULA BURGIEŁ, born in 1988. Students (now graduates) of Poznań Academy of Fine Arts (UAP), where they participated in the 10th edition of the Education - Project Programme in Poznań (PE-P). As part of their designing tasks within the Programme, two furnitre collections were designed and implemented by NOTI - BOULI and CUBBER.
5-year guarantee.