What if one decision can improve your life overnight? Think about it. How many hours do you spend in your office chairs each day? Is that back pain you go home with each night really from a sports injury? Perhaps it’s because you’ve been sitting on the wrong office chair for all these years.

So it’s time to shop for a new one. With this, we are here to help you pick out the right one with these top tips:

Your Back is First Priority

ergonomic chairs

You can find many interesting, handy features on a chair but if it doesn’t support your back, it’s not worth getting.

Many jobs these days require hours of work sitting at a desk. Your back takes a lot of strain keeping you upright for eight hours, but you won’t feel it until you get up at the end of the day.

The best way to counteract the pain is to ensure you have lumbar support which means the chair’s back neatly fits into the shape of your lower back. This supports your back muscles and when you limit the work your muscles have to do, you’ll limit the pain you experience. The best types of high quality office chairs to help with this are ergonomic chairs as they support the lower back and promotes good posture.  


One Size Office Chairs Doesn’t Fit All

high quality office chairs

Don’t simply purchase the amazing chair you saw in a colleague’s office. What works for others may be the worst option for you. You must know what chair suits your:

  • Build
  • Height
  • Weight

Here’s how you know it’s a safe buy:

  • Your hips, knees and ankles should all be at 90° angles when you sit down.
  • The seat size must allow you to feel the back rest instead of you working with no support at your back

Of course there aren’t necessarily chairs designed for each person individually, but if you can adjust the below components you should find a comfortable sitting position:

  • Arm height
  • Seat back position and angle
  • Seat height


Find Comfortable Fabric

b2b office interiors

All the factors mentioned here will have a direct impact on how you get work done. If you feel cool, comfortable and relaxed then you’re likely to be more productive. Aesthetics can often prompt us to invest in something that looks amazing, but is simply bothersome. Why feel warm and itchy all day if you can pick breathable, smooth fabric?


Does it Move?

office chairs

How big is your desk? If it’s like most peoples’ it must be large enough to keep loads of papers. You probably have several stacks of them. And your chair should be the vehicle that transports you to the stack you want to look at.

An office chair without wheels is impractical and actually dangerous. You can strain a muscle if you have to reach too far for items across the desk.

You also need some swivel movement so you can easily turn—to face someone or reach for something on your desk—without putting strain on your body. The moment you force your body into unnatural positions is when you put strain on muscles and joints.

Tip: Make sure the chair’s wheels are designed for the flooring, so they don’t catch on carpet fibers or incur damage each time you move.


The Edge of the Seat

office furniture

Do you sometimes feel your feet have pins and needles after sitting & working for a while? It’s not necessarily the wrong sitting position, or because you cross your legs.

The edge of your seat can easily cut off circulation if it pushes into your legs above, behind or below the knee. You need a ‘waterfall’ seat. With this design the seat’s edge tapers off and is contoured to minimize this pressure.

Now you know shopping for office furniture is not only about aesthetics. One practical decision CAN change your life for the better.